Babu Kishan listed on "The Bands, 'page Related Artists. For those that do not know The Band is Bob Dylan's original Band, it included Robbie Robertson, Garth Hudson, Levon Helm and others. Babu used to jam with them all the time and he performed about 40 concerts around America with 'Bob Dylan and The Band' in the mid 1980's where he sang the poetry Allen Ginsberg wrote for Babu Kishan in honour of Babu's grandfather, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul who Allen Ginsberg first met in 1962 in Birbhum.
Baul already has been 'archived and preserved', it was preserved decades ago by Babu Kishan. This lineage of Baul is the only Lineage of Baul, all Bauls follow this lineage, they sing their songs, dress like them and follow them around the world.
It should be know that the song (poetry) & tune for #KichhuDinMoneMone is a song from this lineage, it is the Poetry of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul. It was recorded first by Purna Das Baul at one of India's first record companies Hindustan Records under Pankaj Mallick and Rai Chand Boral.
RabindraNath Tagore started the first Baul archive all based on Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and
Babu Kishan is the only Baul to 'Preserve and ARCHIVE' Baul in a big way and that was done decades ago.
#culturalappropriation #kichhudinmone
This is the only Das Baul and Dasi lineage, it has been archived decades ago, be careful who you donate to because there are some trying to ride on the coat tails of this lineage, taking their songs and deleting their names adding their own names and made up lineage?
#baul #baulhistory #lineage #lineagebaul #baullineage #shantiniketan#kolkata
Baul already has been 'archived and preserved', it was preserved decades ago by Babu Kishan. This lineage of Baul is the only Lineage of Baul, all Bauls follow this lineage, they sing their songs, dress like them and follow them around the world.
It should be know that the song (poetry) & tune for #KichhuDinMoneMone is a song from this lineage, it is the Poetry of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul. It was recorded first by Purna Das Baul at one of India's first record companies Hindustan Records under Pankaj Mallick and Rai Chand Boral.
RabindraNath Tagore started the first Baul archive all based on Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and
Babu Kishan is the only Baul to 'Preserve and ARCHIVE' Baul in a big way and that was done decades ago.
#culturalappropriation #kichhudinmone
This is the only Das Baul and Dasi lineage, it has been archived decades ago, be careful who you donate to because there are some trying to ride on the coat tails of this lineage, taking their songs and deleting their names adding their own names and made up lineage?
#baul #baulhistory #lineage #lineagebaul #baullineage #shantiniketan#kolkata